Original artwork by Linda Guirey is available for sale. Contact Linda for more information.
Choose to be an Eagle (2009)

When I faced a life-changing moment in 1998, it was like a mountain had crashed down and cast a shadow over my idyllic life. Everything stood still, everything went dark, I couldn’t see a clear way forward. I am sure you have faced times like that in your life. Due to the nature of that ‘mountain’ and what I faced – I will always have mini-mountains in my life. However, I choose to rise above those mountains, to put everything into perspective – to soar like an eagle and to see every day as a beautiful day. No matter what happens in your life, choose to soar above it, put it into perspective – “Choose to be an Eagle”.
Face the Storm (2012)

Everyone will face moments in their life of stress, challenges, and what I call ‘stormy weather’. As parents, as workers – you face storms, storms of conflict, storms of uncertainty, storms of tragedy, disappointment and darkness. Choose to face the storm – weather the storm, because no matter what happens in your life, you always have a choice in how you respond and your lives are shaped by the choices that you make. A storm can be a powerful experience and if you stand to face the storm, you can become stronger and more resilient. Choose to “Face the Storm”.
I read the book in 3 hours. I knew the basic details of your story, but not in such detail. What an amazing life story you have. Your themes of personal responsibility, not seeking others advice for issue you are facing, choices and attitude run true through the whole book. I couldn’t put it down.
I absolutely loved it. Your values, your truth, your love have equipped you to be the beautiful woman you are today. Thank you for telling your story with heartfelt passion.
Linda Guirey writes with an honesty that is both surprising and inspiring. I am asked to review many books from professional speakers, but this book I literally could not put down before I had finished. It is an inspiring personal insight into her amazing life while at the same time a self-help book by an author that needed to use all the proven self-help techniques, just to stay afloat. It is real, and not for the faint-hearted, but I recommend it as a book that should be read – at least once.
I need to let you know how much I loved your book!!!! What an incredible read- such an amazing story with so much to contemplate. Thank You so much and I am so glad I was able to share vicariously in the amazing journey your life has been!
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