Linda’s Shop

  • This A5 "My Life Choices" notepad is something you can use everyday, to keep focused on the choices you are making, to create the life you want. This is an ideal companion to the Values Workbook. If you don't write your Life Choices down, you wont know where you are going or you will end up someplace else! This little notepad is wonderful to keep with you, by your computer, in your handbag - to help you keep focused on what is really important and to ensure that you continue to work towards the life that you are wanting to create.  It's more than a 'to do list'.  This notepad is for your Life Choices!  What choices are you going to make today, tomorrow and next week, that will keep you working towards the awesome life you are creating.  It also reminds you that you are in control of your life - creating it one choice at a time.
  • My Don't Worry card was created as an easy reference guide to gaining perspective when you are facing challenges or problems.  It is something you can easily give to friends, family or staff - because it WILL make a difference!  On the back of the card explains REV's - and how understanding what REV's are, can help you make good choices.
    It is the most useful guide to me and I have it in clear view in my office - to refer to every day.   Life isn't always easy or fair, but when you get that phone call, email or major things are happening in your life - look at the card, gain perspective and "Don't Worry!"
    Purchase a pack of 5 x Don't Worry cards for only NZ$10
  • The "Little Book of Choice" is a book of opportunity.  Inside you will find many of my key messages of inspiration, questions to ask yourself - to help you define the life you want and make the Life Choices that you need to make.  It is a book to carry with you, to open at a different page every day, to look at, whenever you need to transform your life and perspective. Spiral-bound (as pictured).

    Product Review:

    This book came to me at a difficult time of my life - a break up with my first love of 4 years.  It's easy in situations like those to let the feelings of loss and sorrow overcome you.  Reading Linda's Little Book of Choice showed me a different way of dealing with those feelings.  It helped me to choose to look forward and embrace the present instead of dwelling on things that caused me pain including the good memories of the past.  Her book helped me to create the positive environment I wanted to be in at such a hard time.  I look at it every week to remind me of the power I have in creating my own destiny.  Thank you Linda.

    - Rochelle (August 2013)
  • The "Little Book of Choice" is a book of opportunity.  Inside you will find many of my key messages of inspiration, questions to ask yourself - to help you define the life you want and make the Life Choices that you need to make.  It is a book to carry with you, to open at a different page every day, to look at, whenever you need to transform your life and perspective. This product is an e-book, available to download for just $10.95. Alternatively you may wish to purchase your own spiral-bound copy for $39.95 - click here.
    Product Review:

    This book came to me at a difficult time of my life - a break up with my first love of 4 years.  It's easy in situations like those to let the feelings of loss and sorrow overcome you.  Reading Linda's Little Book of Choice showed me a different way of dealing with those feelings.  It helped me to choose to look forward and embrace the present instead of dwelling on things that caused me pain including the good memories of the past.  Her book helped me to create the positive environment I wanted to be in at such a hard time.  I look at it every week to remind me of the power I have in creating my own destiny.  Thank you Linda.

    - Rochelle (August 2013)
  • Linda Guirey & Pat Armistead are award winning speakers.  Together they share some of the keys, the gems you need to know, to become a world class speaker or presenter.
    If you give presentations of ANY sort, this CD and workbook package is for you.  You may not have a desire to speak around the world, but you should have a desire to connect with your audience quickly and effectively, so that you make an impact and make a difference.
    Along with the CD comes a downloadable workbook, where you can jot down your ideas, stories, 'a-ha moments' and reflect on the key messages.


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